

Fabrication of transparent cellulose and chitin nanopaper

Fabrication of transparent cellulose and chitin nanopaper

The reaserchers at Gorgan University (Iran) with the cooperation of NNP Co, could successfully fabricate transparent nanopaper with the incorporation of bacterial cellulose nanofibers, wood cellulose nanofibers and chitin nanofibers with eppoxy resin.

This study was carried out within the MSc thesis of Miss Sedigheh Izee which was conducted by Dr. Hossein Yousefi. Dr. Mahdi Mashkour and Dr. Davood rasouli were also members of the research team. 

Biodegradble transparent films have attracted much attention in researches and applications such as electronics, magnetics, etc. This study aimed to fabricate transparent nanopaper using bacterial cellulose nanofibers, wood cellulose nanofibers and chitin nanofibers mixed with eppoxy resin. The resuts showed that chitin nanopapers presented highest transparency (88%) thanks to its thiner nano-dimension. The mechanical proeprties of transparent nanopapers were higher than those of starting nanopapers. The nanofibers of this study including bacterial cellulose nanofibers, wood cellulose nanofibers and chitin nanofibers were provided by Nano Novin Polymer Co.